Updating syllabus for chatGPT

posted in: Other | 0

In mid-December, Ryan authored the blog “Updating Your Course Syllabus for chatGPT“.  The practical advice has been well received, reaching over 40,000 readers.

Confronting Tools of the Oppressor

posted in: Research | 0

Confronting Tools of the Oppressor: Framing Just Technology Integration in Educational Technology and Teacher Education New article by Natalie and Jessa is available here: https://citejournal.org/volume-22/issue-4-22/current-practice/confronting-tools-of-the-oppressor-framing-just-technology-integration-in-educational-technology-and-teacher-education/ Abstract Power, privilege, and prejudice are embedded within technologies. While technologies can be designed and … Continued

Needs and artifcial intelligence

posted in: Research | 0

Ryan Watkins and Soheil Human just published their open access article “Needs and Artificial Intelligence” in the AI and Ethics Journal. Abstract Throughout our history, we, Homo sapiens, have used technologies to better satisfy our needs. The relation between needs … Continued

Humanthe-loop Machine Learning: A Macro-Micro Perspective

posted in: Introducing | 0

Though technical advance of artificial intelligence and machine learning has enabled many promising intelligent systems, many computing tasks are still not able to be fully accomplished by machine intelligence. Motivated by the complementary nature of human and machine intelligence, an … Continued

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