NSF Proposal – Intelligent Cognitive Assistants in the Flipped Classroom

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The HTC Lab recently submitted a proposal to NSF to support to create AI-enhanced cognitive assistants that can support the development and applications of study skills for STEM students in “flipped classroom” courses:

“… By focusing on study skills and learning strategies, which are generic and can be applied initially to physics concepts and lessons (and later other STEM disciplines), the IUSE grant will optimize the use of Intelligent Cognitive Assistants (ICA) as they apply to STEM undergraduate education flipped learning opportunities within the curriculum. Students will be, for example, nudged at specific points to pay attention to important topics, reminded to take notes on related to content, and monitored for distractions (such as using other browsers tabs or apps). The IUSE grant will leverage insights from behavioral economics and social psychology to design ICA interventions that encourage students to make active and informed study skills decisions and to follow through on their own plans. The lessons learned from developing those ICAs tools will be used to create generalizable frameworks for expanding the ICAs to STEM content-specific support of learners…”

You can find a copy of the proposal at: https://osf.io/rvg6q/

Ryan Watkins